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Everything is Sweeter with Maple, eh

I realized this week that I need to make 2 cookie recipes to be on track to complete my Genius Hour project on time... Therefore, this post will include the next 2 recipes in one!

As the true Canadian I am, I have decided to make Maple Syrup Cookies for my first recipe this week! As for the backstory behind the discovery of this recipe, I had tweeted that everyone should send me their favourite chocolate chip cookie recipes. Since I am Canadian, my Australian friend, Angus, thought it was funny that these cookies included our drink of choice, maple syrup (please see the meme I created featuring the lovely Angus, I am very proud of it).

I found the making of this dough to be very different than what I am used to because you need to melt your butter, but then once you're done the preparation, the dough must chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. You then must continue to put it back in the fridge between each batch. I don't usually work with chilled dough, so I found the consistency to be interesting and I must say... I am not a fan. I didn't enjoy how hard it got when trying to scoop it out to put on the baking sheets. So I guess that is one thing I learned during my Genius Hour Project - AVOID CHILLED DOUGH!

Watch the video for the preparation and baking of these very Canadian cookies featuring a live taste test at the end! (link will lead to Youtube video)

Now take a look at the judge's deliberations (click the pictures to enlarge):

These cookies were a hit! My mom (featured in the video for LIVE taste testing!) said that she liked the "crunchiness" and rated them a 15.5/20. My Dad rated them a 16/20, saying he liked them because they tasted like "your traditional chocolate chip cookie." Curtis rated them 18/20, stating that they had a "slight after taste" but he was unable to pin the flavour. When given the hint "you like it on
breakfast foods" he quickly exclaimed "CHOCOLATE SAUCE... no wait" 😆. Riccardo guessed the secret ingredient as mayo, which I find hilarious. But, he did really enjoy the cookies, giving them a score of 17/20. Personally, I liked these a lot better than the potato chip cookies. They were a great mixture of a crunchy outer edge and a soft middle. I ended up ranking them a 14.5/20.

The final score these cookies received was a whopping 81/100 placing them in first place! Compared to last week's Potato Chip Cookies, with a score of 70.5/100, these cookies were clearly enjoyed more. Although, compared to last week, where everyone guessed the special ingredient correctly, no one was able to guess the maple syrup in these! I was a bit disappointed with the lack of maple flavour, but maybe if I were to ever try these cookies again I'd add more than the 1/4 cup of syrup to see if that affected the flavour in any way. I'm definitely interested in seeing how the next recipe compares to the previous two!

The second cookie I chose to make this week was going to be the super-soft cookies (originally described as the melted butter cookies). When looking up different recipes, I hadn't realized that the maple syrup cookies were also made with melted butter and corn starch as well. That being said, I decided to ditch those cookies and make one using apple sauce instead! This dough was extremely easy to make, but my biggest complaint was how sticky it was. I spent most of my time trying to get it off my fingers and onto the baking sheet!

Watch the video for the preparation and baking of these saucy cookies featuring a DOUBLE live taste testing at the end!! (link will lead to Youtube video)
Now take a look at the judge's deliberations (click the pictures to enlarge):
These cookies were not your typical chocolate chip cookie. Consistency wise, they were super fluffy! My mom liked these the least out of the three recipes so far, saying that she's now discovered she likes a bit of crunch to her cookie. She gave these cookies a 12/20. You can watch my Dad and Curtis' live reactions to the cookies and them trying to guess the secret ingredient by watching the video linked above! My Dad thought the secret ingredient was sourcream since we've made cookies with it before and it was the same consistency. He gave these a score of 16/20. Curtis also thought the secret ingredient was sourcream but gave them a score of 16.5/20, stating that it was good, but too soft for his liking. Riccardo said that he was a fan of these ones because their texture was so light and fluffy. He guessed the secret ingredient as corn starch since the consistency was so soft, which we were all actually very impressed he even knew that corn starch made cookies softer (he's not a baker, whatsoever). He ended up giving them a score of 17/20. Personally, I really enjoyed these ones and how fluffy they were, giving them my highest rating yet of 17/20!

The final score these cookies received was  78.5/100! Compared to last week's Potato Chip Cookies (70.5/100) and the above maple syrup cookies (81/100), these cookies came in a close second! No one was able to guess the secret ingredient, except my Mom, but since she is my assistant and bought the apple sauce, her guess totally doesn't count. I decided to ask each judge what their favourite cookie has been so far and why. My mom said the maple cookies because the potato chips were "just too weird and a bit too greasy" and the apple sauce ones were "just not the right consistency to be a traditional chocolate chip cookie." My Dad claimed the maple was his favourite because they were the most like a traditional chocolate chip cookie. Curtis said he liked the maple cookies best because he liked the crunchiness of them. Riccardo voted for the apple sauce cookies becuase he liked the fluffiness of them. Based on my ratings alone, I obviously have to go with the apple sauce cookies because I really didn't like how greasy the potato chip cookies were and I wanted more maple from the maple cookies.

The ranking is now as follows: the maple cookies in first, the apple sauce in second and the potato chip cookies are in last. Tune in next week for the final recipe and the decision on the best chocolate chip cookie recipe! 


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