Remember, in the first blog post, when I said my biggest trouble was that I was indecisive... Well, once again, I have changed my plans on what cookies I am going to be making. I wanted a cookie where the secret ingredient wasn't extremely obvious like the potato chips had been, so I went searching the internet for a more incognito ingredient. I have decided to swap out the M&M cookies for a cookie made with pudding (hence the Harley Quinn reference 😉). At this point, my whole house is filled with cookies, and you would think I would be sick of baking, but here I am, still having a great time. The making of this dough was by far the easiest out of all the recipes I attempted during this project! I also found it interesting that there was no salt in this recipe, as I am so used to the dry ingredients always consisting of flour, baking soda, and salt. Watch the video of these (D)elicious (C)ookies (see what I did there?) featuring a LIVE taste test at the end! (link w...
One Chip at a Time
Join me on my quest for the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe, one chip at a time!