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Showing posts from October, 2019

The Final Deliberation

We've finally come to the end of our quest for the best chocolate chip cookie. It's time to name the winner! *Drum roll* VANILLA PUDDING COOKIES FOR THE WIN WITH A SCORE OF 89.5/100!  Coming in second place, the maple cookies, with a score of 81/100. The apple sauce cookies came in third, racking up a total of 78.5/100. In last place, is our potato chip cookies with a measly score of 70.5/100. In the beginning, I was honestly just using this assignment as an excuse to bake and eat some cookies, but I surprisingly learned a lot during the process. I learned a lot about how different ingredients such as flour and sugars affect the dough in different ways. I discovered I am not a fan of sticky dough, as I find it extremely frustrating trying to get it off my fingers. I found out I am also not a fan of having to chill the dough, as I am far too impatient for that. I also learned that baking cookies is REALLY expensive. I had no idea how much chocolate chips, flour, sugar, and...

Harley Quinn, Nice to Meet Ya

Remember, in the first blog post, when I said my biggest trouble was that I was indecisive... Well, once again, I have changed my plans on what cookies I am going to be making. I wanted a cookie where the secret ingredient wasn't extremely obvious like the potato chips had been, so I went searching the internet for a more incognito ingredient. I have decided to swap out the M&M cookies for a cookie made with  pudding  (hence the Harley Quinn reference 😉). At this point, my whole house is filled with cookies, and you would think I would be sick of baking, but here I am, still having a great time. The making of this dough was by far the easiest out of all the recipes I attempted during this project! I also found it interesting that there was no salt in this recipe, as I am so used to the dry ingredients always consisting of flour, baking soda, and salt. Watch the video of these (D)elicious (C)ookies (see what I did there?) featuring a LIVE taste test at the end! (link w...